Django 1.4 on CentOS 5.8

The default python version (2.4.3) on Centos 5.8 is not supported for Django 1.4 . Here's how to get Django 1.4 running on Centos 5.8 . Steps here are probably useful for future/different versions.

Step 1 : Enable EPEL

EPEL has newer version of Python available in it's repo. The first step is to enable it. The command you need to enable the EPEL repo is :

`` # rpm -ivh``

Once you install the package you've enabled EPEL.

Step 2 : Install Python 2.6 and easy_install

`` #yum install python26-distribute``

This will install python 2.6 and easy_install

Step 3 : Install pip

`` #easy_install-2.6 pip``

Now that you've pip installed, we can get started on install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper.

Step 4 : virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper

`` #pip install virtualenvwrapper`` will install virtualenvwrapper and virtualenv. Now you need to add some lines to your .bashrc

`` export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python26 source /usr/bin/ ``

(Make sure to create the ~/.virtualenvs directory if it isn't already created.)

Now activate the changes to your bashrc by doing

`` #source ~/.bashrc``

Step 5 : Create a virtual environment for your Django project

You can do this by running

`` # mkvirtualenv my-env``

Once you run this you will automatically switch to the new virtualenv. Your shell prompt will be prefixed with (my-venv)

Step 6 : Install Django

Change to the directory you want to install Django in. Then run :
`` (my-venv)#pip install Django``


1. Installing MySQL-python :

First install

`` #yum install mysql-devel``

and then install MySQL-python `` (my-venv)#pip install MySQL-python``

  1. Installing Gunicorn

`` (my-venv)#pip install gunicorn``

  1. requirements.txt

It's often easier to just have a list of pip packages to install for a particular project in a file. Conventionally, it's named requirements.txt

`` (my-venv)#pip install -r requirements.txt``

will install all the packages given in the requirements.txt

`` (my-venv)#pip freeze``

Will show you a list of packages installed by pip currently. Something like this :

`` Django==1.4 MySQL-python==1.2.3 wsgiref==0.1.2 ``

You can take this list directly and put it into the requirements.txt

`` (my-env)# pip freeze > requirements.txt``

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